
Зарим дуунууд миний өмнөөс дуулж байгаа юм шиг санагддаг. Тэр дуунуудын нэг нь энэ...

               The only EXCEPTION
When I was younger I saw my daddy
cry and curse at the wind.
He broke his own heart and
I watched as he tried to re-assemble it.
And my mamma swore she would
never let herself forget.
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love if does not exist.
But darling..

You are the only exception (x4)

Maybe I know somewhere deep in
my soul that love never lasts.
And we've got to find other ways
to make it alone or keep a straight face.
And I've always lived like this

Энэ дуу өөрийгөө хуурч, өөрийнхөө үнэн сэтгэлийг дэлгэхээс айдаг, гэхдээ энэ бүх нь бусдаас онцгой болгодог гэсэн маш гүнзгий утгатай, үнэхээр гоё хэллэгтэй, өвөрмөц үгтэй юм байна лээ. Тэгээд надад маш их таалагдсан...

If you do this
If you do this you'll never have a chance to try again.
If you do this you'll never have a chance to try.

It's the same sound,
Same sting.
The same collapse,
Of every thing.

It's the same slice,
Same blade.
The same lie,
The same ole vein.

My way
My face
My heart
My race
I'm a mistake.

My way
My face
My heart
My race
I'm such a disgrace.

You're perfectly flawed
You're perfectly incompl...